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17 of the Most Read Exodus Trekkers Stories Since 2010

17 of the  Most Read Exodus Trekkers Stories Since  2010

    Here are the 17 most read--if not talked about--Exodus Trekker articles of the more than 133 articles read by several thousand people in 20 different countries since 2010. Comments are welcome at rrschwarz777@gmail.com


Robert R. Schwarz

                                                        [To read any story here, simply click on the blog's address                                                                         or highlight it first and  then click it ; or to link  to an updated                                                                   current  blog address, email me at   rrschwarz777@gmail.com

 1. Almost a Lifetime as a Prisoner of Schizophrenia,  then a Divine Miracle of a Mind Coming  Alive with Freedom for My Brother (part 1 of 3 parts) 

Part 1 of 3: Hard confessions to Mom          Exodus Trekkers: Almost a Lifetime as a Prisoner of Schizophrenia, then a Divine Miracle of a Mind Coming Alive with Freedom for My Brother (part 1 of 3 parts )

Part 2: Spiritual Combat in   the Penitentiary

Exodus Trekkers: Almost a Lifetime as a Prisoner of Schizophrenia, then a Divine Miracle of a Mind Alive with Freedom for My Brother (part 2 of 3 parts)

Part 3:  Dying to One's Self..."In my 20 years as chaplain ,   I've only seen this twice ."   Exodus Trekkers: Almost a Lifetime as a Prisoner of Schizophrenia, then a Divine Miracle of a Mind Alive with Freedom for My Brother (part 3 pf 3 parts )

2. A Home-Visiting Cleaning   Lady from Poland with the Mission to Also Clean the Souls of Her Clients

" When we fall in love with God, He works His will through us, sending us to people that are in need, especially the ones who have spiritual struggles... I Need to Be Strong So I Can Help Others"  (Grace Bigas)  


3. Skills Congress  and  Our Leaders  Must

Practice More to Avoid a Civil War ?  

" If we don't get a handle on this , it could lead to
a civil war unless we get  our hands off each other's throats .
Social Worker Michael McGillicuddy)

4.They Lived in a Concentration Camp Hell Yet Experienced Amazingly Profound Freedom

This report is about  priests and other clergy of different ethnic backgrounds   who amazingly survived years of a hellish life behind barbed wire in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. The Dachau camp existed in Upper Bavaria from 1933 until 1945. By the time it was liberated by the U.S. Army on April 29, 1995, it had held 67,665 registered prisoners. A reported 31,95l prisoners had perished there, many from typhoid , others from torture ; several were   murdered  by guards.  This  report focuses largely on testimonies and published  comments   of  Dachau 's 2,579 imprisoned Catholic  priests ( a few were Protestant ), monks, and seminarians . 

5.What a Deacon Learned from His Ministry for Poor People Living and Working on a Famous Race Track

           You Ask, What’s Wrong with America? 

               "It’s a Family Falling Apart. People Are

           Drifting away from God" 

          (Deacon Luis Trevino)


                                    It is love that impels them to pursue everlasting life;
                                    therefore they are eager to take the narrow road.
                                    A  Rule of St. Benedict

            For many of us, monasteries and the lives of monks and cloistered nuns appear other-worldly and  a convenient way to avoid the realities of everyday life;  monastic lifestyles, due mostly to Hollywood movies and the scant number of in-depth media  reports, have  left us  with the distorted  impression that these  lifestyles , though laudable in many respects, are severely strict and  unnecessary  for a Christian life.  As a former newspaper reporter and editor, this once was my perception, too .  But it gradually changed, not due  to any particular religious leaning but rather to  interviewing and writing about  monastic people around the world, including Mother Theresa and her Sisters of Charity  at their Calcutta headquarters.  A few months ago and now retired,  I  decided to update my observations of monastic life and,  with my wife, Mary Alice , drove to the Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey near Dubuque, Iowa. This is a  report of that visit ( with a  bit of editorializing added, I admit ) .  
         As  a journalist ,  I  naturally loved to probe for the truth of the matter.  After my confinement for ten days in  a Czech  prison during the Cold War and later, as president of a mental health agency,  I valued human   freedom to search for truth  more than ever. I also loathed  the loss of one's free will to realize the truth  about one's self.  Nowadays, though much of  my search for truth is still in a cloud of unknowing, I feel unshackled in pursuing it, thanks to these words from  my  favorite Mentor and Life Teacher:  " You shall know the truth, and the  truth shall make you free."

(Note: to read this blog , copy the above address  to your internet.)

7. 37 Years of Marriage Nourished by 8 Kids and a Life of Faith, Love and Service

" Gail and Al and their entire family is the most
Christian family I've ever met. My life has been
enriched by our friendship. "  Mary B.

" I adore the Madden family…one of our best
faith-filled parishioners. " Diane A.

" [ This family ]… shows simplicity and richness

8. The Butterfly and a Pilgrim’s Question

                                          Therefore, we do not lose heart, but though our outer

                                           is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day
                                           by day. (2 Corinthians 4: 16, 17)                               



                                         And we know that in all things, God works for the good 

                                        of those who love him, who have been called according 

                                       to his purpose.  (Romans 8: 28)


9. The Case for Re-defining the Strength of 'Weak ' People 

When I am weak, then I am strong
( The Apostle Paul, 2 Corinthians, 12:10 )

God chose the  weak of  the world to shame the strong
( 1 Corinthians , 1: 27 )

If we should ever feel burdened by the knowledge
of our weakness…let us remember what  the Lord
told St. Paul during his time of trial : "My graces
is sufficient for  you,  for my power is made perfect
 in weakness ."   ( from Conversations with God by Francis Fernandez )    

10. About Affectionate, Godlike   Love of Some Dogs

  Selfless love--agape, Jesus called it--doesn't come                                         naturally. It takes work , practice. ….The only beings                                 who naturally offer unconditional love are either                                         God or perhaps a dog. (from the internet blog "Fing Your Soul" by 

 11Do Many of Us Really Have  True Freedom ? 

Here's’ a report by Robert R. Schwarz, a retired newspaper editor and former leadership trainer for a worldwide volunteer service organization. He interviewed a few freedom-loving individuals about the freedom they most cherished and struggled to win .

1. A working mother raising seven children

2. A retired U.S. Army general wounded in the Vietnam war

3. A homeless man

4. An ex-convict and devout family man before his death   


12. Two Amazing Missionaries to Know: One in Lebanon, the Other in Hong Kong 

I He's in Troubled Lebanon, Pleading that His People Don't Give Up and Leave…

II     An American Still Caring for People in Hong Kong after 39 Years…

13.  What I Learned as a Probing Journalist on My Retirement Bucket List River Cruise to Germany, Poland, and Czech Republic
v That Notorious Berlin Wall and Check Point Charlie 
v Luther and a Few things You Might Not Know about Him and the Reformation He Ignited 

14.   A Man Who Loved the "Least of Them" for 50 Years

       The priest is a man anointed by tradition to shed
                                      blood , not as  soldier, through courage, not as
                                      the magistrate, through justice, but as Jesus 
                                      Christ , through love. The priest is a man
                                      sacrifice; by it, each day , reconciling heaven of
                                      and earth , and by it, each day, announcing to
                                       every soul the primordial truths of life , of
                                       death, and of resurrection.
                            --Fr. Henri-Dominique,  O.P.  

15. Like to Have a Conversation with Jesus?  Here’s What Some Say about That  

16. A Hindu Farmer in India Trades Family Peace and Comfort for Ten Years on Pleasure Island (a la Pinocchio) in America, Then Hell, then Jesus Christ


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                 17.  The Life Story of a Physician Twice Born Again,        once in Poland, Again Years Later After Being Dead for 30 minutes


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